Recipe United Kingdom

On the 9. - 13. May we had an "UK WEEK " in our school. We were wearing british national colours. As all the project weeks we started this week all together to watch presentation about UK and  to answer some tricky questions about the UK  music, sport, traditions, food, language etc. During the week all the classes have tried to prepare Traditional English Sandwich. Children really enjoyed it very much, they invented lots of other varieties of fillings and decorations on purpose to make the best sandwich. The 4th class has tried Chapati, Cornish pasty, Sandwich and biscuits. The biscuits were really yummie!! We have tried them with chocolade and cinnamon. But there happend an accident with one batch because we forgot to add sugar!!!so it was a kind of DIA biscuits but we ate them all anyway :-) During the whole week all classes were searching for information about the UK. 1st class found something about celebrating Christmas in UK, 2nd class focussed on literature heroes coming from England, 3rd and 4th class searched for info about countries of the UK. On Friday we met all again together to share what we have learned about the UK, children told their scholmates or prepared some little quizes and presentations. Then we tasted sandwiches of 2nd class and yummy biscuits  and tea with milk of 4th class. We all enjoyed  the UK Week  a lot.

To see all the pictures of "UK week" click here: